We all tell ourselves lies about our health - particularly when it comes to heart disease, weight, and diet. Below are 4 of the most common self-deceptions related to heart health and the truth to debunk them. How many of these do you tell yourself?

Lie #1
I don’t really have high blood pressure. I just need to reduce my stress levels!
While stress can exacerbate high blood pressure, if you have more than one high blood pressure reading, you need to start paying attention. Get a home blood pressure monitor and start tracking. It’s easier than ever with Hello Heart’s smartphone app – enroll online today for free!
Lie #2
If I can’t feel it, it must not be that bad.
High blood pressure usually has no overt symptoms. The damage to your arteries that is happening every day doesn’t feel like…anything. But left unchecked, it gradually affects the heart, kidneys, brain, and retina.
To get healthy, I’m going to have to do things I really don’t enjoy.
Actually, the opposite is true. If you’re going to form new habits and expect them to stick, you have to enjoy them at least a little. So, start with the absolute simplest action possible - tracking and learning about yourself. It’s easy and satisfying. Once it becomes a habit, you can add on other tiny, satisfying shifts.
Lie #4
No one I know, including myself, has high blood pressure.
Over 46% of adults in the U.S have high blood pressure - that’s almost 1 in 2 Americans. High blood pressure is often referred to as a “silent killer” because it may show no symptoms, but puts you at an increased risk for heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and more.By tracking your blood pressure readings, you’ll be able to understand if you have high blood pressure.
To summarize: It's hard to improve your health if you don't really understand where you stand or don't really know how to approach it. That’s where Hello Heart comes in. Hello Heart is an easy-to-use program that helps you track, manage, and improve your heart health from the privacy of your own phone. The program is offered at no cost to eligible members and includes a blood pressure monitor and an engaging smartphone app.
1. Gazit T, Gutman M, Beatty AL. Assessment of Hypertension Control Among Adults Participating in a Mobile Technology Blood Pressure Self-management Program. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(10):e2127008, https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.27008. Accessed October 19, 2022. (Some study authors are employed by Hello Heart. Because of the observational nature of the study, causal conclusions cannot be made. See additional important study limitations in the publication. This study showed that 108 participants with baseline blood pressure over 140/90 who had been enrolled in the program for 3 years and had application activity during weeks 148-163 were able to reduce their blood pressure by 21 mmHg using the Hello Heart program.) (2) Livongo Health, Inc. Form S-1 Registration Statement. https:/www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1639225/000119312519185159/d731249ds1.htm. Published June 28, 2019. Accessed October 19, 2022. (In a pilot study that lasted six weeks, individuals starting with a blood pressure of greater than 140/90 mmHg, on average, had a 10 mmHG reduction.) NOTE: This comparison is not based on a head-to-head study, and the difference in results may be due in part to different study protocols.
2. Validation Institute. 2021 Validation Report (Valid Through October 2022). https://validationinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Hello_Heart-Savings-2021- Final.pdf. Published October 2021. Accessed October 19, 2022. (This analysis was commissioned by Hello Heart, which provided a summary report of self-fundedemployer client medical claims data for 203 Hello Heart users and 200 non-users from 2017-2020. Findings have not been subjected to peer review.)